Tuesday, January 28, 2020
Government Expenditure Causes the Revenue Generation by Government Taxation
Government Expenditure Causes the Revenue Generation by Government Taxation INTRODUCTION 1.1 Overview The relationship between government revenue and expenditure is a very important topic and has been an essential issue for many economists and policy makers as it represents budget deficit, government expenditure Plans and taxation structure of a country. Since the main objective of every government is to improve economic growth with low debt levels, better education system, development of infrastructure and job opportunities better fiscal policy is needed to achieve these goals. From a short term perspective fiscal policy is said to be expansionary when government expenditures exceeds the total revenue and the resulting deficit is then financed by the government, However if these expenditures contributes in economic growth then there is a long term relationship exist between government expenditure and economic growth. In addition different studies indicate that the determination of Economic growth is depended on tax levels. Whereas many believe that the most significant factor that c ontributes in economic growth is tax level as the collection for development purposes of most developed and developing countries depend on tax revenue. 1.2 Research Problem In Pakistan the level of budget deficits have consistently increasing from 2005 which is then financed by the government through external and domestic borrowing resulting in a higher debt levels due to high interest cost associated with it and leads to more future tax expectations. Thus the financing by the government for the compensation of deficit is an important variable, several studies have put light on the outcome of fiscal deficit but very few have tried to find the reasons and causes of these deficits which is why the nexus between government revenue and expenditure is still an unsolved issue. Therefore the main purpose of this research is to study the causal relationship between government revenue and expenditure. 1.3 Hypotheses : Tax Revenue causes Government Expenditure. : Government Expenditure causes Tax Revenue. : Tax Revenue and Government Expenditure Bilaterally cause to each other. 1.4 Outline of the Study The research studies the causal relationship between government expenditure and tax revenue to see the reasons for the consistent budget deficits in Pakistan from many years. In addition time series analyses have been done to forecast the trend of government expenditure and revenue based on the leading variable. CHAPTER 2: LITERATURE REVIEW Loganathan, Nanthakumar, Taha, and Roshaiza. (2007) have found a stable relationship between spending and revenue. Furthermore there is a long-term impact exist expenditures that enter as input into the production function and those that enter as inputs in investment technologies. Koch, Schoeman and Tonder (2005) found that there is an association between burden of taxes and economic growth according to the findings based on the data of 1960-2002 if tax burden decreases economic growth increases significantly. Friedman (1982) explains expenditure of the government depends on total revenue because as taxes increases expenditure increases by which deficit remains at the same level, he believes that the level of fiscal deficit cannot be reduced by increasing taxes. Buchanan and Wagner (1977) on the other hand have presented an alternative hypothesis that increase in taxes does not lead towards low expenditures because taxes creates higher price of goods for the public due to high interest cost associated with it Buchanan and Wagner suggest that in order to restore deficit government should limit its financing ability. Sobhee and Sanjeev (2004) tested the causality from tax to expenditure and from expenditure to taxes by using the data of public finance and founded that in a small economy government first accommodate the necessary funds then use them for public expenditure, therefore to avoid the situation of fiscal deficit the government must carefully monitor and control its spending programs. Fasano and Wang (2002) in a research on GCC countries founded that the primary Source of revenue is oil and due to the economic fluctuations medium-term expenditure strategy should be adopted according to which expenditure should not exceed the non-oil revenue so that in recessions to compensate expenditures oil revenues can be injected by short-term accommodations. Second hypothesis where causality runs from expenditure to revenue the government first spend and then to accommodate the required level of expenditure adjusts tax policy. Peacock and Wiseman (1979) Argues that due to economic crises government expenditure increases and they also remain at the same level when the crises is over. In their view government expenditure in driven by strong economic crises which is able to change public perception about the size of the government. Gounder, Narayan, Prasad (2007) find compatibility with the second hypothesis that the increase in taxes for the accommodation of government spending affects on the capital investment by investors due to the fear of paying higher taxes in future. The third hypothesis is fiscal synchronization according to which expenditure and revenue decisions are independent and bilaterally cause to each other. Reflecting the traditional theories for the demand for public goods. Meltzer and Richard (1981), according to him the demand of public expenditures and taxes need to compensate these expenditures are compared with many alternative spending programs for cost benefit analysis, therefore the practical implication of this hypothesis is bidirectional causality. Narayan and Narayan (2006) suggest three reasons regarding the importance of nexus between government revenue and expenditure first if proper implementation on policies is taken into consideration regarding government revenue fiscal deficit can be avoided, second if causality runs from expenditure to revenue outflow increases due to the fear that government will spend first and pay for it later by increasing taxes. Third in case of bidirectional causality expenditure can rise faster than revenue which can create huge budget deficits because revenue and expenditure decisions are independent of each other. Baharumshah and Lau (2007) Find two sets of different results where the fiscal policy of Korea, Singapore and Thailand is driven by expenditures where the government finances revenue for the planned expenditures according to the limit of the balanced budget which facilitate the long term sustainable budget position. However the taxation system should be implemented by taking care of the overall smooth fiscal policy. Whereas in case of Malaysia and Philippines expenditures and revenues are independent of each other and the level of government expenditures and revenues is determined through fiscal policy based on marginal cost and revenue. Furthermore the findings indicate that in order to achieve long-term economic growth fiscal consolidation is necessary to reduce deficits and debt levels which lead a country to fulfill expenditure priorities better and provide funds to more productive sectors. Griffin and McKinley (1992) believes that the expenditure policies of the government should be directed towards long-term future growth and for the well being of the people, Therefore activities that contribute more on socio economic development should be increased instead of using resources and funds to military defense projects. King and Rebelo (1990) taxation has a very important role in the long run growth process of a country where growth is not affected by indirect taxation, however direct taxation is harmful for growth. Roshaiza, Taha, Nanthakumar and Loganathan (2008) found in an analysis of Malaysia that the major part of taxes is direct taxes and reducing direct and indirect taxes will lead to reduce in government expenditures, In addition non-tax revenue does not contribute much in economys growth. Hondroyiannis and Papapetrou (1996) find unidirectional causality running from government expenditure to revenues in Greece where the reason of fiscal deficit from a long period of time was government spending decisions. The government spending to GDP is very high in Greece which results an operating inefficiency for the economy. Furthermore the results indicated that reducing fiscal deficit without reducing the government expenditure will leads to failure. Ahiakpor and Amirkhalkhali (1989) Based on the analysis of Canada found that to show the relevant results of fiscal policy government increase taxes which is a temporary and incomplete act in order to fully take control over fiscal deficit the government must reduce or limit its expenditures instead of finding ways to increase tax revenue burden on public. Baghestani and McNown (2004) in a study of Egypt and Jordan claim that to promote domestic savings and private investment it is necessary to eliminate budget deficit for both the counties. Baghestani supported the causality from tax revenue to expenditure in case of Egypt and bi-lateral causality in case Jordan. Furthermore promoted the process of privatization because it facilitate high domestic saving and investment and at the same time helps to reduce fiscal deficit. Neyapti (2008) studied the influence of fiscal decentralization on government revenue and expenditure and indicated that decentralization improves quality of governance which leads to decrease in budget deficit and stable economic condition. However the efficiency of fiscal decentralization increases in case of large population. Keho (2010) Study the data fo 1660 to 2005 to analyses the causal relationship between government expenditure and tax revenue to see which expenditure and revenue items plays a part in the reduction of budget deficit and found that GDP has significant effect on government expenditure. Furthermore the findings of granger causality test indicate unidirectional causality from government revenue to expenditure based on the findings Keho et al. concluded that the implementation for the elimination of fiscal deficit should not me made by just increasing revenues. Thus without spending cuts the results will not be beneficial. In other words tax system should be made with proper spending control system. Brennan and Buchanan (1980) suggest that in order to reduce fiscal deficit constitutional limits should be imposed on post-constitutional governments, so that revenue collection by latter governments can be reduced otherwise the level of goods demand by public to be financed will be minimum whereas revenue collection will be higher. Baffes and Anwar (1990) conducted the research for the countries Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Mexico, and Pakistan to determine the behavior of government towards revenue and expenditures for the alignment of fiscal deficit. The results found to be positive for Mexico, Brazil and Pakistan while the similar findings havent been found for Argentina and Chile. For Brazil, Mexico and Pakistan causality runs in both ways in other words bidirectional causality where decisions for the government spending and revenue are taken simultaneously. However in case of Argentina and Chile causality runs from expenditure to revenue. The results indicates that to control budget deficit the government should increase revenue collection and restrain expenditure whereas public expenditures should be reduced in Argentina and Chile. Stoian (2008) founded in case of Romania by applying Johansen cointegration and Error Correction model that the long run relationship between government revenue and expenditure do not affect major fiscal imbalances. CHAPTER 3: RESEARCH METHODS 3.1 Method of Data Collection Data of the two variables Government Expenditure and Total Revenue is taken from secondary sources with the help of multiple sources which includes (Ministry of Finance), (State bank of Pakistan) and (Hand book of Statistics on Pakistan Economy). 3.2 Sample Size Sample of 31 observations have been used by using the data of public finance from the year 1979-2010. Where the variable (Total Tax Revenue) has been created by adding indirect-tax, direct-tax, Non-tax revenue and surcharges and (Total Expenditure) has been calculated by adding Development and Non-Development Expenditures. 3.3 Research Model Granger model is used to study the causality where TR is the total revenue and TE is total government expenditure. The above two equation represents the hypothesis where the causality running from total expenditure to revenue in equation one and from revenue to expenditure in equation two. Therefore incase of rejection of any hypothesis we conclude unidirectional causality between government expenditure to revenue. However, if both the hypothesis is rejected we concluded bidirectional causality in other words fiscal synchronization exists between government revenue and expenditure. 3.4 Statistical Technique In this research granger causality test by granger (1969) has been applied to study the causal relationship by comparing one time series with another (Government Expenditure with Government revenue) where one variable becomes the cause of the other variable to predict it significantly. In addition cross-correlation has been applied to assess the correlation between both time series variables. CHAPTER 4: RESULTS 4.1 Findings and Interpretation of the results Table 4.1 Pairwise Granger Causality Tests Date: 01/27/11 Time: 17:32 Sample: 1 32 Lags: 2 Ã Null Hypothesis: Obs F-Statistic Prob.Ã Ã TOTAL_EX does not Granger Cause TOTAL_RE Ã 30 Ã 0.84135 0.4430 Ã TOTAL_RE does not Granger Cause TOTAL_EX Ã 14.2132 8.E-05 With the help of the summary given in the table above we find that there is a unidirectional causality exist between total government expenditure and total revenue, as the value of F-Statistic is 3.5 we will reject the null hypothesis (TOTAL_RE does not Granger Cause TOTAL_EX). Table 4.1.2 Cross Correlations Series Pair:Total_Revenue with Total_Expenditure Lag Cross Correlation Std. Errora -16 -.177 .250 -15 -.143 .243 -14 -.099 .236 -13 -.056 .229 -12 -.010 .224 -11 .044 .218 -10 .097 .213 -9 .137 .209 -8 .210 .204 -7 .255 .200 -6 .299 .196 -5 .353 .192 -4 .427 .189 -3 .513 .186 -2 .663 .183 -1 .796 .180 0 .994 .177 1 .810 .180 2 .662 .183 3 .544 .186 4 .431 .189 5 .344 .192 6 .271 .196 7 .208 .200 8 .148 .204 9 .094 .209 10 .053 .213 11 .005 .218 12 -.036 .224 13 -.078 .229 14 -.114 .236 15 -.153 .243 16 -.188 .250 a. Based on the assumption that the series are not cross correlated and that one of the series is white noise. Figure 4.1.1 The results of cross-correlation indicates total revenue as a leading time series variabler with a strong correlation of .994 with government expenditures at lag 0, furthermore correlation a possitive correlation has been found from lag 1 to lag 11, However the correlation is dexreasing and from 12 to 16 lags correlation in negative predicting that with the increase in total revenue, total government expenditure will decrease in furture. CHAPTER 5: DISCUSSIONS, CONCLUSION, IMPLICATIONS AND FUTURE RESEARCH 5.1 Conclusion In this paper we have studied the causal link between total government expenditure and total revenue in Pakistan using granger causality test and the supportive cross correlation from 1979-2010. Our result from granger causality supports the hypothesis that tax revenue causes government expenditure in Pakistan. In addition cross correlation results have indicated long-term results that with the increase in revenue expenditures will increase. Therefore the major conclusion drawn from this research is that in order to eliminate the problem of fiscal deficit and sustainable economic growth government should focus on the policies which facilitate increasing revenue. 5.2 Discussion Various studies have analyzed the causal relationship between government expenditure and revenue. Some supported with unidirectional causality occurring from revenue to spending and from expenditure to revenue whereas some have indicated the result of bidirectional causality. However, both the variables have significant impact on budget deficit and economic growth. Fiscal deficit in Pakistan is a major issue as the findings of cross correlation indicates that the revenue and expenditures are correlated which means that as revenue increase expenditure increases and deficit remains at the same level and to compensate this deficit government increases its debt financing from domestic and foreign sources which leads towards inflation and high interest rates. 5.3 Implications and Recommendations The model and analysis of this study is very useful for economists and policy makers as it helps in enhancing revenue by tax reform programs. In addition for the determination of optimal spending expenditure reform assessment can be done through cost and benefit analysis which will help in setting objectives for tax collections and better utilization of taxes. 5.4 Future Research Future research possibilities could be as follows first variables like national income and debt financing could be included in the research. Second data sets of multiple countries would be interesting to analyze the causal relationship using the same model in comparison with this research. REFERENCES Ahiakpor, J.C.W., Amirkhalkhali S. (1989). On the Difficulty of Eliminating Deficits with Higher Taxes: Some Canadian Evidence. Southern Economic Journal, 56, pp. 24-31. Buchanan, J. M., Wagner, R. E. (1977). Democracy in Deficit, New York: Academic Press. Baharumshah, A. Z., Lau, E. (2007). Regime Changes And The Sustainability Of Fiscal Imbalance In East Asian Countries. Elsevier, 24 (6), pp. 878-894 Baghestani H., McNown R. (1994). Do Revenues or Expenditures Respond to Budgetary Disequilibria?. Southern Economic Journal, 61, pp. 311-322. Brennan, G., Buchanan, J. (1980). The Power to Tax: Analytical Foundations of the Fiscal Constitution. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, Massachusetts. Baffes, J., Shah, A. (1990). Taxing choices in deficit reduction. Policy Research Working Paper Series 556, The World Bank. Friedman, M. (1982). Personal interview, The Washington Times, June, p. 2 Fasano, U., Wang, Q. (2002). Testing the Relationship between Government Spending and Revenue: Evidence from GCC Countries. IMF Working Papers 02/201. (Washington: International Monetary Fund) Gounder, N., Narayan, P. K., Prasad, A. (2007). An empirical investigation of the relationship between government revenue and expenditure: The case of the Fiji Islands. International Journal of Social Economics. 34, pp. 147-158. Griffin, K., McKinley, T. (1992). Towards a Human Development Strategy. Occasional Paper 6, December. Hondroyiannis, G., Papapetrou, E. (1996). An Examination of the Causal Relationship between Government Spending and Revenue: A Cointegration analysis. Public Choice, 89 pp. 363-374. Koch, S. F., Schoeman, N. J., Tonder, J. J. V. (2005). ECONOMIC GROWTH AND THE STRUCTURE OF TAXES IN SOUTH AFRICA: 1960-2002. South African Journal of Economics, 73, 190-210. King, R. G., Rebelo, S. (1990). 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Monday, January 20, 2020
National Debt :: Argumentative Persuasive Papers Economics
National Debt The above statement suggests that the government should not make cuts in the social fabric because it can always roll over the debt, therefore, the national debt can be ignored. This statement means nothing to many Americans who would never dream of having a conversation about the national debt. Before reading about the national debt, I was one of those Americans who didn't care to realize the trouble my country, the land of the free, home of the brave, is in grave trouble. The trouble will come from the measures a government must take to reduce, or even stabilize a debt of 4.5 trillion dollars. "Taxation without representation" is a phrase found in the history books of our children. The young people of america learn about past events in hopes that history will not repeat itself. Something has failed. Those same children will feel the effects of their parents and grandparents goodtimes(running up of the national debt). The children of america are being taxed and punished. Right before their eyes, the children's future living styles aredeclining, while these children are ignorant to the fact. This is an example of taxation without representation. For the children, I believe the national debt cannot be ignored any longer. Nixon, Ford, Regan....the list of presidents who have tried to balance the national debt seems to want to go on forever. This cannot and will not happen. The national debt is eating us alive and must be balanced. No more trying, it must be done. There does however appear to be no end. The U.S. seemsto always be in someone's war, which causes recession and must run a deficit to stimulate the economy, but if our country insists on protecting
Sunday, January 12, 2020
Childcare Cache Level 3 Unit 1
Unit 1 An introduction to working with children E1 and E2 Statutory Statutory is funded by local and central government. It is free for children to go and schools are compulsory, so children have to go. Hucklow primary school is for children aged 4-11. It follows the national curriculum. The school hours are from 8:45 to 3:00pm. They help children that need additional learning and extra tuition in English and Maths so that they can achieve the best they can do. They have a playground for the children to play. They have equipment out at break and lunch times for children to be imaginative and creative with the equipment.They promote healthy eating by cooking their own food. They have a range of after school clubs. The school will educate the children. It allows the parents to go to work. The parents know that they are in a safe place. Voluntary Voluntary services are often funded by charities. At Longley 4G community centre people can volunteer. They get the money from charities. Ther e is a play group called Longley little ones where carers with children under 5 years. It is every Monday. It is ? 1 per family. There are toys for them to play with like slides, sand trays, play dough and much more. There are healthy snacks and hot drinks for the adults. Related essay: Childcare Level 2, Unit 1 AssignmentThey also have the Longley wrigglers for carers with new born babies to pre-walkers and pregnant families, on a Wednesday. Older siblings can come along too. There are other activities like sports activities, rounderââ¬â¢s and football for 8-16 years old and Zumba and Street Dance. It brings the community together. The parents can help each other. The parent can make friends with the other parents. Private They are profit making organisations. Monkey business it is a huge play area for children aged 0-12 years old. It has two areas, one for over 5ââ¬â¢s and one for under 4ââ¬â¢s. The over 5ââ¬â¢s is a huge place for kids to play in.In the under 4ââ¬â¢s there is soft toys for them to play with. It got a ball pool for the kids. It is open all week from 9:30- 6/7pm. The parents can relax as they know the children are in a safe place. The parents can catch up with their friends. E3 The United Nations Convention on the Righ ts of the Child. UNCRC. 1989. This legislation is an international treaty which almost every country in the world has signed. Children and young people under 18 years the UNCRC applies to them. In this legislation children have the right to be with their families that will care for them or someone who will be best to care for them.They have a right to clean water and food. A fairly good standard to live in. They have right to health care. They have the right to play. They have a right not to be hurt and neglected, to be kept safe. They have a right not to be used as cheap workers and disabled children have the right to special care and training. Childrenââ¬â¢s Act 1989. The Childrenââ¬â¢s Act 1989 gives all children the right to survive, to achieve the best they can do, to be protected from any abuse, to take part in the family culture and the social life of the family, to have their views taken seriously, play and rest, to enjoy the leisureââ¬â¢s they have.The Childrenâ⠬â¢s Act was developed in 2004 when the five outcomes in the Every Child Matters (ECM) legislation for every child in the UK. The Childrenââ¬â¢s Act was also upgraded in 2006, where local authorities had to improve the outcomes of all the children that are under 5 years. Help the people with the poorest outcomes to make sure the services are available. The local authorities to make sure the needs of working parents especially the ones with disabled children and people on low incomes are met. Every Child Matters. Every Child Matters is connected to The Childrenââ¬â¢s Act 2004.It was set out improve the way they work with children and young adults. It is so that they can grow up to be healthy, stay safe, enjoy and achieve, making a positive contribution and achieving economic wellbeing. E4 There are loads of principles and values that are there when working with children. There are five outcomes they are being healthy, staying safe, enjoy and achieve, making a positive contribu tion and achieving economic wellbeing. Every Child Matters is a programme that has changed how the childrenââ¬â¢s services ran. It helped them resolve problems earlier in life before it got more serious.The Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) it helps children get ready for school. The children are taught the basic skills. It helps them with their communication, social and emotional, physical and personal development. They have a progress check at the age of two so the children will get additional support before they start school. The new framework uses clear language. It strengthens partnership with the professionals and the parents. E5 You can value and respect the children by smiling at them, saying hello when they come in, talking to the parents about them.Getting stuff for them that they may want, letting them go and play. Helping them when they need it, talking to them and helping them to get ready for things like painting, going outside and getting ready to leave. All this will make them feel equal to everyone else as they will see that you are helping them and others. They will feel more confident in what they are doing as they will know they are doing is right or they will ask if you are stuck and when you get more confident they will get more self-esteem when you praise them for doing good.They will also feel more valued when you are doing something with the children. E6 Caring is an important skill when working with children because it shows that you are approachable as they will come to you easily. You are gentle and kind, you are considerate e. g. feelings and that you are thoughtful. Another important skill is communication. There are four different types of communication that are useful with working with children, they are verbal, body, written and sign. This will develop their communication skills for now and later in life.Being and effective team player can help your work with children as you can support each other, you can share ideas and listen to others, you will support the children and it teacherââ¬â¢s children to be a good team player. E7 There are lots of study skills that you can do to support your learning. There are different types of learning styles. There is visual learner where they see and watch something to help them learn, they see pictures in their heads as a demonstration, and they will recognise faces better than names. Auditory learner is someone that is good at speaking and listening.They talk about what they are writing. It is unusual for them to notes. Kinaesthetic learner are people that learn by doing things like practical lessons, they are not really that organised. I am a read and write person, that means handouts are better for me to learn, from the information I have, I take notes and put it into my own words. To help you with your learning you need to use time management. This is when you use a calendar, diary or planner so that you know what assignments need to be completed. You need to manage time the time to achieve the task you have planned.You could put this in the order of importance like which assignment you need to hand in first. You could also make lists, ask others to help you, make target that are sensible and that you are honest with you and others. Another form of study skills is doing your own research. This is quite important. You could use all the research that is available to you like books and the internet. The library is the best place for research as it has got all the stuff you needs that will help you like books, reference books, videos, DVD and the internet.There is other information you may need that is in the library that can help you with your study. Evaluation is a study skill you will learn over time as when you observe or read about your own words you will need to evaluate this. You would need to analyse the information, them come to a good conclusion that you can state. This is difficult for some people but it gets easier soon enough D1 Practitioners should develop and maintain a appropriate relationship with the parents of the children and other professionals you work with because the parents need to trust you to look after their child and if you donââ¬â¢t use ppropriate relationship, the parent may not trust you with their child. You will need to be aware of your roles and responsibilities when working with children. Relationships are important with parents. This will benefit the children. The parents know their child the best and they understand them more than anyone else. The parents will feel more valued and more involved with their child. The practitioner must work in a professional way so that the needs and welfare of the child are the best. When doing this the children will learn about good relationships.The other colleagues and you need to feel supported. With the parents, they have rights to make choices about their child and any decisions concerning with their childââ¬â¢s education. So when you have daily contact with the parents you show a professional impression on yourself and the job you are doing. You should also keep parents involved about their childââ¬â¢s activities they are doing and you should try and encourage the parents to contribute in their childââ¬â¢s learning. D2 A multi-agency team are people from different jobs that come together to support the children and their families. It is essential that everyone working with children and their families communicates well and understands their roles and responsibilitiesââ¬â¢ (child care and education, Tassoni P). The people who work alongside each other to support the children and their families are childminder, nanny, teachers, health visitors, speech and language therapist, childcare advisers, social workers, play workers, portage workers, occupational therapists, dieticians, specialist teachers, outreach workers, nursery nurses, nurses and doctors, members of a voluntary organisations, polices (welfare officers) and child protection officer.Itââ¬â¢s getting people together to help the children in need it makes sure that everyone is around for the child. They are there for the benefit of the children. It improves communication with everyone involved as everybody will know what the others are doing. It keeps it focus on the child or young person at all time. It will improve the information sharing in the team. It makes accessing support easier for the children and their families. It will help childrenââ¬â¢s progress develop more. They will share information to each other to help and support the children. It will put the parents of the children in touch with the right people.The common assessment will see if the child any help with something. They give children all round needs support. They will make sure children can talk to the professionals about their problems in a comfortable setting. Re-submission C We should listen to childrenââ¬â¢s views and value their opinions bec ause it is their learning. They will feel more respected and feel equal to the other children because they know that you care what they are thinking. The childrenââ¬â¢s confidence and their self-esteem will grow.The children are all individual and they all learn in different ways and at different speed. Listening to the children will fit the education around the needs of the children. The children know how they learn best and they feel more appreciated when you listen to them. B Practitioners need to understand the limits and boundaries when working with children. They need to understand that they need to follow the policies and procedures when in a work place like the health and safety. Partnership with parents or carers is key because they know their child best and you need to respect their views.Safeguarding is important so that all practitioners should have a valid criminal record bureau (CRB) when they are working with children. This will ensure the safety and welfare of the child. You should always keep information you have learned about a child confidential as they could be in danger or hiding away from someone. This can be broken if the welfare of the child is at risk. If information is shared on a need to know basis is should be within work. For early years practitioners should and must work is that will recognise and the respond to the human rights of all children everywhere, no matter who they are.The Childrenââ¬â¢s Act 2004 made ââ¬ËEvery Child Mattersââ¬â¢ the law so every practitioners have to follow it and the five outcomes . All employees have the responsibilities to care for the children. The welfare of the child is the most important thing. You should always contribute to the childrenââ¬â¢s care, learning and development. Re-submission A A child central approach is when they have the freedom to choose what they want to do. It gives them the experience, to explore and to ask questions about what they have found. ââ¬ËAll pract ice with children needs to be centred upon the needs and interests of each childââ¬â¢. child care and education, Tassoni, P). ââ¬â¢With the child at the centre, taking into account the perspective of the childââ¬â¢. (child care and education, Beaver, M). It makes sure that the child is put first before anything and anyone else. The school education system to fit the child need of the child around the child as every child learns in their own pace and learns in different ways. It is helping the children develop more in their education. Every child is individual, no child is the same and child central approach supports that of the child.This it focus on the child and nothing else so that the childââ¬â¢s wellbeing and interests are at the centre of all the practice. This will help in the childââ¬â¢s confidence and esteem in themselves. The children learn best when they are doing an activity. When planning an activity you need to make sure it is child centred and from prev ious experience so the child will develop more. E8 References and bibliography Beaver, M (2008). Child Care and Education. Cheltenham: Thornes, N. P543. Tassoni, P (2007). Child Care and Education. Essex: Heinemann. P11 and p234.
Saturday, January 4, 2020
Why Art often Symbolizes Death - 691 Words
Death has captured the mind very early on and since then it has driven us to create some of the most powerful images in the world. In this essay I am going to discuss why art often symbolizes death and some of the complex ways in which art represents death. In Jericho in 1950 Cecil Western, a British Archeologist discovered decorated skulls with a reconstructed nose and shells as eyes for a replacement. The skulls were discovered in walls of homes and they had been placed in specially made alcoves. Since that discovery, other decorated skulls have been found in the Middle East and Asia and some tribes also in South East Asia still practice this today. Humans are the only creatures that understand the inevitability of our own death. Psychologists understand that the way to overcome the fear of death is by creating images of our ancestors, Professors Solomon and Greenberg have done experiments with 2 groups of students. They used subliminal images so the students will thinks of death. They then showed the groups images of dead celebrities. The subjects were chose to look at pictures and those that were made to think about death wanted to look at these images for longer a time.In Jericho, in the 1st millennia BC, the average life expectancy was 24 years old. The prospect of Death was terrifying to them and these artistic representations would have allowed them to keep their ancestors alive. Reassurance, however, is only half of story. Some have used images of death forShow MoreRelatedThe Snake Goddess1440 Words à |à 6 Pagesevident that The Snake Goddess plays a significant role in Minoan art, religion and society (Witcombe). Discovered in 1903, by British archaeologist Sir Arthur Evans, at The Temple Repositories, The Snake Goddess dates back to approximately 1600 BCE (Evans 495). 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